Just received an email from meldaproduction, which I thought was pretty interesting, I think a lot of developers might feel this way?
Personally I only just upgraded to Mojave and I can stick with it 
I need to upgrade my computer and have be seriously been thinking of ditching Mac and going Windows. Mac is starting to become really pricey. I was waiting for the New Mac Pro but for $6000 for just the base model that is really steep. I would need to upgrade it for my needs and that would take it to $8000 for more. Just too much for an audio computer.
I just did a blog post here at the school on why you shouldn’t upgrade. And today I saw how much of Apples own things it broke! I can’t upgrade as I am on a mid 2011 system and am stuck and High Sierra. The only new programs I can’t run are - you guessed it APPLES!
Here is the post:
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