Hello guys 
I have a question, I saw that some of the big names of the EDM scene tends to clip their kick, their entire mix
As an example I leave this video from John Christian An amazing producer and I learn a lot of things
Check out in minute 20:47 he liteally clip the mix! haha and each channel is a har clipping
What do you thing about this?
Leave your comment!
As I see it, he doesn’t really clip. He is using the fact that the DAW doesn’t clip internally and then he starts his mastering chain by lowering the volume with -10db so that the rest of the plugins work with a normal gain structure.
I actually did a similar thing with my latest track. Just putting Pro-L on my stereobus and letting my channels burst into the stereo out bus having it limited by Pro-L.
You can listen to the result here:
sorry I got confussed with this subject haha , btw i like your track
how do you get that synths in front? using the busses?
My secret weapon is OTT. Bring down downward compression to 0% and keep upward compression to 100%. Adjust depth to taste. I generally go between 30% and 100%
Thats great! thank you men, I already follow you in spotify 
Thanks, do you have any music I can listen to?
Yeap , Could you provide me your email ?